Scripture Reading - 1 Corinthians 1:9 KJV

God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord.

In our last lesson we touched on the general subject of “Fellowship”. We spoke about how it is important to have “good fellowship” with people but we also emphasized how our “fellowship” with God is the most important discussion of the day. In the last message we touched on “Fellowship with Men” where we discussion communing with those people of like passions, principles and purpose. Today we will look deeper into “Fellowship with God”. Yes, God, Himself desires your “fellowship” and for that specific reason the Father sent Jesus Christ into the world to give you total access to Him. The Love of our heavenly Father compelled Him to make a way into our dire situation of lost hopelessness. This Way (The Door) is Jesus Christ! Why, was sending Jesus such a perfect plan it is because Jesus Christ can identify with us directly. He is the only God Head that has experienced humanity first hand. Therefore, Jesus knows us inside-out without any stretch of His imagination. Yes, Jesus came down to the earth as the Word of God in-clothed with flesh. Then wearing our earth suit He personally felt joy and pain, health and heart ache, fulfillment and sadness and acceptance and complete rejection. The Lord Jesus did not experience our life for only three years but rather around thirty three (33) years total, ending in the most horrific sentence of death that the world has ever known. Thus, Jesus is the sole distributor of perfect “fellowship” because He and He alone bore our sins while we bear His righteousness. When we (ihlcc) say the statement “Fellowship with God” we are speaking of two primary conversations. The Word of God became flesh and dwell among us for intimacy between God and man. Not only did God desire to save all mankind but God also desires to know all mankind personally. The Lord purchased you with the price of His Own Blood. Therefore, He is worthy of your “fellowship” because you already have His “fellowship” because the witness of God’s Blood is always speaking unto every heart that will listen to Him. Jesus is not pushy so when you want to have “fellowship with God” it should start with spending time with God’s Word. Hearing and knowing God’s Word is hearing from God Himself. Yes, Jesus Christ is the central theme of the Holy Bible but spending adequate time in God’s Word lets you see, hear and understand God our Father, the Holy Spirit and the true nature of man in general. Of course the Holy Bible also gives you glimpses of Satan and his evil kingdom but that is primarily so that you can understand why we desperately need The Savoir. This is not for an in-depth study of evil but rather so that you can properly identify his evil works and practice avoiding them and/or casting them down in the Name of Jesus. We (ihlcc) stated earlier that your “fellowship with God” includes two things, one we just stated as “fellowship with God’s Word” through the hearing, reading, speaking and pondering exactly what God said to you personally in the Holy Bible. The second is “fellowship with God in the person of the Holy Spirit”. Yes, the ministry of the Holy Spirit cannot be ignored when it comes to knowing God. We (ihlcc) do venture to say that if you don’t know the Love of God you really don’t know God. The Holy Spirit exemplifies the person of love that God Is. He is so gentle, calming and kind that you would not think about His awesome power. God chooses to be easy going and He is bent toward mercy because His expression of love only has meaning if He is helping others. The “fellowship with the Holy Spirit” specifically means learning through observation and deed how to walk in love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance.-Refer to Galatians 5:16,22-25 "Fellowship with God” primarily includes spending a healthy amount of time with God’s Word to understand God and spending sufficient time with the Holy Spirit to be like God. No one on this earth needs God more than mankind so we must bring God to man’s doorstep to introduce that person to God by our genuine love for them. Remember Jesus said all men shall know My disciples by their love one for another (John 13:35), therefore we must know God in the person of Jesus Christ through His same “agape” love. Amen!